On the Marshes – a reading by Hatice Bakanlar Mutlu

I was honoured when PHD student Hatice contacted me and told me she was basing her presentation on my book, On the Marshes. It is amazing to think that my story has made it’s way to Turkey and is being read and enjoyed by someone living in such a different landscape than the North Kent Marshes. I hope you enjoy Hatice’s reading of my book and her interpretation of how the story fits in with the nature writing genre.

3 thoughts on “On the Marshes – a reading by Hatice Bakanlar Mutlu

  1. Hey, that’s great! Your words and experiences are travelling around the world. It is a testament to your book’s importance and quality that it is being discussed and studied by literature students. Listening to her presentation brought back memories of my reading but she goes deeper with the analysis and brings so much more up and puts your book into the context of our times. well worth a watch. Well done Carol.

    • Thanks Barry. I couldn’t believe that someone in Turkey had heard about my book and wanted to use it for their presentation. It was very humbling.

  2. And because of Hatice’s study, we heard about you and your work, and now we are discussing your work in my non-fiction course at university. Thank you both.

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