Goodbye Nature Girl.

Dear Nature Girl readers. After 10 years blogging as Nature Girl I have decided to move on.

After, all, as my friend pointed out to me (quite harshly I thought), I am no longer a ‘girl’ and my life both as a writer and a naturalist has progressed since I began the website back in 2013.

From next week I will be moving my blog over to a sparkling new website created by Gary Weston at Spaghetti Weston .There you will find all my films, podcasts, articles and my new blog, Field Notes. You can also sign up to my mailing list and hear about new writing projects. In particular I hope to bring you news of my second book before long.

When I began Nature Girl, I hoped the blog would bring a little bit of the countryside into the lives of people who maybe, due to work or other commitments, didn’t have as much chance to get out and experience nature as I had. I wanted to connect people to the seasons and let people into my life of working in the countryside. I hope the blog and my writing has achieved at least a little of what I intended.

Back then I was working in a job I often got huge joy out, in particular running the volunteer group, who became such a support system to me but I was often frustrated at the lack of say I had over my day to day work. In 2014 I made the decision to go freelance as an ecologist and have never looked back. I now work in a job I love, in particular working with the farmers of the North Kent Marshes to restore wetlands for wildlife but am often frustrated by bureaucracy and the glacial slow pace of change. I know how lucky I am though to still get huge satisfaction and fulfilment from my work and feel I am doing what I can with what I have in the service of nature.

Since I began Nature Girl my writing has also progressed. I have published a book and become a regular travel writer for the Guardian, fulfilling many of my youthful dreams. Hopefully I can share good news about a second book before long. It seems it is time to give myself a polish and I am delighted with my amazing new site

Many thanks to all my readers over the last few years and please join me over at

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